Article: "Hearts" fans - with the club everywhere and always. ©

Edinburgh - this season has been particularly turbulent and not very successful. Realistically assessing the situation - the club can at best win bronze. However, this will require a lot of effort and hope that the main competitor, Aberdeen, will drop points. Despite the failures on the field, the club has done a lot of work off the pitch. Each off-season, with Vladimir Romanov as the club's owner, the stadium is reconstructed and expanded. This summer will be no exception. Apart from the main arena, it can be noted that the club is expanding its entire structure. New ticket sales centers are being set up, new contracts are being signed with sponsors, sports equipment manufacturers, various events are being organized where players interact with the team's fans. It is these fans who are the driving force, motivating the players to do their best and fight with all their might against the Glasgow clubs for prize places. It is no secret that Mr. Romanov is controversially judged in Scotland. However, the opinion of many of us is shaped by the media. What do the fans themselves think about the club's management? The question is indeed open and complex. As many people, so many opinions. In this article, we will try to define the essential ones. So, let's start with the fact that the club was in a deep crisis before the new club owners arrived. Debts were constantly increasing, and there was no clear strategy on how to avoid them. The owners took extreme measures and decided to sell the home arena, Tynecastle Stadium. A contract with a real estate company was signed, and only formalities remained to transfer the arena to new owners, whose goal was not to preserve the stadium. The move of the Lithuanian businessman who bought the team during this difficult time, paid the compensation provided in the contract to the potential stadium buyer, and saved the home arena for the club. Many 'Hearts' fans will never forget this move. The new owners also managed to stop the debt from growing and stabilize it. It should be mentioned that the debts remained, although there is sometimes a mistaken opinion that Romanov paid them all off. After that season, the team continuously acquired new players and began to pose a serious threat to the Glasgow clubs. 'Hearts' fans watched this rise with pride. Some of them were able to see their club fight as equals against 'Celtic' and 'Rangers' for the first time. In previous seasons, they sometimes managed to finish third in the championship or win a cup, but there was no hope of competing for championship titles. The obvious improvement in results so far is considered by 'Hearts' fans as the merit of the new owners. The new generation of 'Hearts' reached their peak when they won the Scottish Cup last season and finally managed to surpass 'Rangers' in the championship and take second place, which guaranteed them the right to play in the UEFA Champions League. However, even then, the team was publicly discussed in the media. The most pressing issue: the owners' autocracy in the club. Mr. Romanov changed coaches every couple of months, constantly criticized referees, the federation. The continuous change of coaches is still a big puzzle for many, even the most loyal fans. Perhaps the most club leaders and fan groups disagree on this move. Many still believe that George Burley was the best coach for the team. And they are inclined to call out with various words those who they blame for his leaving the club. However, most of Romanov's critics who speak out against the federation and referees agree with him. Since Scotland belongs to Great Britain, work visas are obtained here according to the laws of the country. It is no secret to many that without being a European Union citizen, a player must have played at least 75% of matches for their national team to easily join clubs in Great Britain. However, there is another way to get this visa. The team must prove that the player is essential to them, and then he will get that visa. In this season's transfer window, Edinburgh 'Hearts' tried to buy Georgian Gogita Gogua. Unfortunately, he did not receive the visa. It is hard to say if he would really be necessary for the team if he played in the strongest squad, but at that time, he would have been useful to the club plagued by injuries. Those who follow the Scottish league probably know that other clubs are sometimes not allowed to buy players without issuing visas. But there are a couple of clubs that over the past 10 years have had no problems with that, although they were among the most active in buying players. You guess which clubs they are. An outdated system? Perhaps someone is interested in avoiding surprises in the championship? After all, the Champions League is huge money. Perhaps even in countries like Scotland, there is corruption? Many 'Hearts' fans may confidently say with their hand on their heart that the federation does not really help this club. It does not help to fight, and it is the opinion of many fans that the club buys and sells players too often. There was a lot of talk after the sale of Steven Presley and Paul Harley. Fans believe that the club showed disrespect to them by selling players who had almost become team symbols. Just like many football enthusiasts probably wouldn't understand if Madrid's 'Real' sold Raul or 'Juventus' sold Alessandro Del Piero. Judging by the fact that 'Tynecastle' stadium is always full, good results, a stable club position, and vision for the future are more important than the owners' incomprehensible steps. For now, club fans still follow the motto of one of the strongest football fan groups in Lithuania: "Everywhere and always."