Published video of the helicopter crash of the owner of the "Leicester" club

Currently, there is grief in Leicester - the owner of "Leicester City" club Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha and four others flying with him died in a tragic helicopter crash.

The tragedy occurred late on Saturday evening, when the 60-year-old man prepared for a routine helicopter flight from the stadium to London after English "Premier" league matches.

As it is already known, the flight did not last long - as soon as the helicopter took off from the stadium, it became uncontrollable and crashed into the nearby car park.

The details of the events were unknown until recently, but the latest video footage somewhat revealed what happened that tragic night. It can be seen that the helicopter, just after taking off, became difficult to control, started turning in circles, and plummeted to the ground.

The helicopter caught fire immediately upon crashing. It is said that one of the security personnel tried to open the doors, but soon after, an explosion occurred.

Among the five fatalities, only one identity is unknown. Along with the Leicester owner, two pilots and his daughter were also flying that night.

Security camera footage:

Footage of the helicopter crash: