R. Carvalho leaves to finish career in China

Another football star is heading to cash-soaked China. It is reported that Shanghai SIPG has reached an agreement with center-back Ricardo Carvalho. Unlike Oscar or Axel Witsel, the 38-year-old Portuguese is heading to China to finish off his illustrious career. After triumphing with the Portuguese national team at last summer's European Championship, the defender has not played any matches this season. R. Carvalho's contract with Monaco ended in the summer of 2016 and for half a year the defender did not play anywhere. Last season, R. Carvalho played in 44 matches for Monaco and scored twice. Throughout his career, the Portuguese has worn the jerseys of Porto, London's Chelsea, and Madrid's Real clubs. The defender has won the Premier League title three times and once each in La Liga and the UEFA Champions League.