R. Keane: "Manchester United" should buy higher level players

Former "Manchester United" captain Roy Keane criticized the Manchester team for poor player selection.

R. Keane believes that the only option for the club, if they want to return to the top, is to acquire better quality players: "Man Utd" has always lagged behind "Liverpool" players. The owners dominated in all categories.

I sincerely believe that the majority of the club's players do not reach the level of "Manchester United". The players tried, but they do not reach the highest level. If "Liverpool" had been more efficient in taking chances, the result could have been higher. Watching the game of the "Red Devils", the best they can achieve this season is fourth place.

If someone came down from the moon and knew nothing about the "Man Utd" team, they would say it is average. We know the team's history, the titles won, so we expect more from this club. There is no point in being critical. They need to invest a lot of money to acquire players of the right level.