R. Lukaku: I dedicate today's performance to Christian © ZUMAPRESS.com

Belgium was bombarding the gates defended by Russia, but on the field, they had to deal with emotions that arose after shocking news about one of the leaders of the Danish national team - Christian Eriksen - being resuscitated on the field. Christian Eriksen's teammate at Inter Milan, Romelu Lukaku, who scored two goals that evening, told the media that he dedicates them to his good friend. He demonstrated this dedication on the field when he scored a goal and turned to the camera: "Chris, stay strong. I love you." "I am really happy about the hard-fought victory, but it was very difficult to play today. I hope Christian is healthy. I dedicate this evening's performance to him. The news of Christian's misfortune deeply shook me - I couldn't hold back tears. I was afraid of losing him. We have experienced many difficult moments together. I spend more time with him than with my family. On the field, I was constantly thinking about him, his girlfriend, and their two children." "Of course, I am also happy for the team. I know we are strong, and today's result is proof of that. I hope this will be a great motivation to move forward," added the footballer.

The class of Lukaku "Chris, stay strong, I love you" pic.twitter.com/krwz9cETXN - 60SecondesFoot (@60secondesF) June 12, 2021