R. Mancini: I wouldn't want "Serie A" championships to be renewed © JumpStory

Italian national team coach Roberto Mancini spoke to the publication "La Gazzetta dello Sport" about his current activities and his unwillingness for the Serie A championship to be resumed. "If I were to speak honestly, I am tired of being at home - a 60-day period would drive anyone crazy. I try to train in the mornings and if the weather is nice, I relax on my home terrace in the afternoons. Of course, I miss my parents a lot, which is what worries me the most now," said the Italian. He also shared his thoughts on the possible resumption of the national championship. "If I weren't speaking selfishly as a national team coach, I wouldn't want the championship to be resumed. Players will have to play a lot of matches in a short period of time and playing without breaks can lead to more injuries," said R. Mancini.