Rare case: an Italian referee could not finish the "Serie A" match © JumpStory

In the Italian football championship, a rarely occurring event was recorded. During the “Serie A” match between “Fiorentina” and “Empoli”, the main referee of the match Matteo Marchetti suffered an injury. In the second half, the referee injured his thigh and had to leave the field. His place was taken by the fourth official Juan Luca Sacchi. The match ended in a 0:0 draw.

L'arbitro Marchetti chiede il cambio 🔄Infortunio per il direttore di gara durante #EmpoliFiorentina 🤕#SerieATIM #DAZN pic.twitter.com/Hn5vcgRMzB — DAZN Italia (@DAZN_IT) August 22, 2022