Ratings of Lithuania's national team match against Ukraine © EuroFootball.com

In the fifth part of the Lithuanian national team players' rating section, EuroFootball.com tries to evaluate the national team's performance in the match against Ukraine on a scale of 1 to 10.

Lithuanian national team - 6 (As expected, the match against Ukraine was the toughest of all matches played in the qualifying rounds so far – although the performance seemed unsuccessful, it could be said that the team played as well as allowed by the opponents and experienced failure at least decently)

Starting lineup

Paulius Grybauskas – 5.5 (Defended a couple of Ukrainian strikes and tried to block as much as possible the hundred percent chance A. Shevchenko had, but due to lack of experience in the national team, he rarely hesitated when to leave his goal)

Gediminas Paulauskas - 5 (Like in the match against France, in the first half he gave the opponents quite a few opportunities to attack on his side)

Andrius Skerla – 6 (Was not very noticeable and speaking about the defender's game, it should be evaluated positively)

Tomas Žvirgždauskas – 5.5 (Saved the team a couple of times, but also made mistakes in passing the ball and made a fatal error in defense when he left Oleg Gusev, who scored a goal, free and almost allowed the opponents to increase their lead at the end of the match)

Arūnas Klimavičius - 5 (After the match with the French, thrown into a tough fight, one of the newcomers in the national team seemed troubled and made mistakes both positionally and starting the team's attacks)

Igoris Morinas – 5 (Practically did not pose any threat to the Ukrainian goal and was not useful defending more often)

Deividas Šemberas – 6 (Could hold the ball in the middle of the field longer and played confidently again, but did not bring more concrete benefits)

Mantas Savėnas – 5.5 (Did not fulfill the role of attacking organizer in the 50 minutes played, but fought for the ball decently)

Marius Stankevičius – 5.5 (Was not as effective as in the match against France, but was one of the more active players in the rare Lithuanian attacks)

Tomas Danilevičius - 6 (One of the most noticeable players in the national team, played the usual withdrawn forward role, holding the ball, and threatened the opponent's goal a couple of times. However, once he beat the opponent's defense in the penalty area and fell needlessly)

Robertas Poškus - 5 (Struggled up front and overshadowed by the tough Ukrainian defense)


(51') Mindaugas Kalonas – 5.5 (Had plenty of time, but did not bring significant assistance and did not always make the right decisions)

(57') Andrius Gedgaudas- 4.5 (Appeared in the middle of the second half and made basic mistakes in passing and more often stopped the team's attacks than created them)

(65') Tomas Radzinevičius - 6 (Revived the play a bit in attack and was one of the few players who left a positive impression)

Head coach

Algimantas Liubinskas - 6 (Unlike the match with the French, he quickly made changes, but due to poor choices on the bench, they did not really bring any benefits. It is doubtful whether he could have done anything more with the available lineup.)

This was a subjective evaluation by EuroFootball.com. We would like to know your opinion as well.

We suggest rating the players on the following scale:

10: Fantastic - Absolutely unique, perfect performance.

9: Excellent - Top-class play, worthy of the best player of the match title.

8: Very good - Played impressively and reliably.

7: Good - Played well and made few mistakes.

6: Average - Initial rating. Did not make mistakes, but also did nothing outstanding.

5: Poorly - Made mistakes and played unsuccessfully.

4 and below: Bad - Made many mistakes and deserves criticism.