"RB Leipzig" took care of business with "Hoffenheim" in the first half © JumpStory

In the match that took place on Sunday evening, "RB Leipzig" defeated "Hoffenheim" with a score of 3:0 at home. The first goal of the match came as early as the 5th minute. Dominik Szoboszlai passed the ball from a set piece into the penalty area. There, Christofer Nkunku skillfully controlled the ball and with a left-footed strike sent it into the bottom right corner of the goal. In the 20th minute, the score became 2:0. Marcel Halstenberg unleashed a powerful shot with his left foot and the ball found its way into the back of the net from the right post. The hosts finished the first half as strongly as they started it. In the 44th minute, during a quick counterattack, after a clever pass from Christofer Nkunku, Dominik Szoboszlai directed the ball into the goal and the score became 3:0. In the second half, neither team created many dangerous moments and the match ended with a confident home victory. After the match, "Leipzig" ranks fourth in the league table, while "Hoffenheim" is in ninth place.

Standings provided by Sofascore