"RB Leipzig" took care of "Koln" at home © JumpStory

During the match held on Friday evening, Leipzig took advantage of their opportunities and defeated the Cologne team with a score of 3:0. The hosts scored the first goal in the 25th minute. Christofer Nkunku sent the ball into the top left corner of the goal with a precise penalty kick. Domenico Tedesco's players doubled their lead in the 54th minute. Dani Olmo corrected the ball and with a long-distance shot into the bottom corner of the goal, outsmarted the opponent's goalkeeper Marvin Schwabe. Just 3 minutes later, Leipzig players scored another goal. The hosts went on a quick counterattack, and after Dani Olmo's pass, Angelino scored a goal in the attacking zone. In the last seconds of the match, the Cologne team managed to score a consolation goal. In the 90+2 minute, Tim Lemperle scored with a header after a corner kick. After these matches, RB Leipzig temporarily rises to fourth place in the standings. Meanwhile, the players of the Cologne team drop to 7th place.