Redemption goat: disgruntled "Man Utd" fans urge W. Rooney to end his career

Wayne Rooney became the main scapegoat after the third consecutive defeat of "Manchester United". The "Red Devils" lost 1:3 to "Watford" team, and W. Rooney performed so poorly that "United" fans are almost unanimously calling for the 31-year-old player to end his career.

"Footie Stuffs" joked that W. Rooney played with "Watford" like this:


"How can anyone say Rooney don't need dropping!? Watford on the attack and he's ball watching. Liability

— Nitish Bassi (@Nitishbassi) September 18, 2016.

The "Twitter" was filled with statements from "United" fans:

"The man who called Rooney 'white Pele' deserves an electric chair for blackening Pele's name."

"I have nothing more to say about Rooney, it's the end of his career."

"Rooney plays like a drunk amateur in Sunday League. Get him out!"

"I don't know if I've ever seen Rooney play so badly. It's a disaster."

"It's getting worse watching his game."

"Rooney would be more useful making tea at halftime."

"I'm sorry, but Rooney should end his career. It's time, bro."

"Rooney's time has come. Finish your career in England, travel to MLS, and let us all live our lives."

"Please, Rooney, end your career. You're not fair to us."

"Rooney should end his career right now."

"I love Rooney, but he should make way for younger players."

"Rooney would do us all a favor by ending his career."

"We should respect Rooney for what he has given to this club, but at this level he can no longer play."

"As long as Rooney plays, we won't show our best game. This has been going on for 3 seasons. It's tiring to talk about it."

"If Rooney starts in the next game, it's a sign that our season is over."