Russian national team goalkeeper detained at the airport drunk and causing a commotion

Russian national football team goalkeeper Andrei Lunyov was caught by the police. The 27-year-old drunk footballer caused a commotion at Moscow's Vnukovo airport and was detained by local police, writes

A. Lunyov began to express dissatisfaction when airline employees refused to board the intoxicated player onto the plane.

Police called to the goalkeeper found a mild intoxication - 0.77 promille.

The Russian sports portal "Sovetsky Sport" calculated that the 27-year-old goalkeeper could have drunk a liter of beer, two glasses of wine, or 120 grams of vodka.

"Shame. Maybe it's time to stop allowing footballers to behave as they please... After all, they should have higher requirements than an ordinary person. A. Lunyov, we no longer await you in the national team!" - announced "Sovetsky Sport".

A. Lunyov flew to Moscow from Nizhny Novgorod, where the Russian national team defeated Cyprus 1:0 in the European Championship qualifying match on Tuesday.

Nevertheless, the footballer quickly sorted things out and after paying just 14 euros, he was released.