Russians were outraged by FIFA's ban on showing sexual women

On Tuesday, FIFA's announcement instructing World Cup broadcasters not to show sexually attractive women caused a big uproar, according to

In FIFA's opinion, the display of beautiful women of the female sex can be equated to sexism and is intolerable.

"We want such things to no longer exist and in the future, sexually appealing women should not appear on television at all. This is a normal request, from which everyone will benefit," said FIFA representative Federico Addiechi.

In Russia, FIFA's idea was mostly met negatively.

"The initiative is very strange. What does FIFA not like? Maybe they are jealous that we have so many beautiful women in Russia? Why can't we show such beauty during matches? After all, it's necessary to entertain the audience and there is nothing wrong with that," said former "Rostov" coach Igor Gamulas.

"The success of the World Cup in Russia came from many things, and beautiful women are one of them. We also want to be proud of them, just like our history or architecture," reiterated Russian journalist Max Jereminas.