Russia's preparations for the fiesta: workers are not receiving their wages

Russia is rapidly preparing for the 2018 FIFA World Cup, already notorious for its scandalous label. Despite numerous calls to boycott the tournament, racism scandals, and economic crises, nothing has dampened the shining image of the country's football aspirations. Russia continues to showcase and declare that the preparation is like butter smeared, but the world is not only reached by good news.

The workers building and renovating the arenas for the World Cup have already begun to complain that they are working in vain. They insist that the state and companies have not paid them for several months, even though Russia has significantly increased the budget for the tournament.

The first ones to speak out were the construction workers in St. Petersburg working on the "Zenit" arena. The construction of the "Zenit" arena has been allocated several times more funds, quickly becoming one of the most expensive sports arenas in the world.

However, it turns out that the workers have not received their money. "The Guardian" revealed that salaries are so delayed that 50 workers are threatening to take legal action. The total claim against the employers would amount to about 14 million rubles (640 thousand euros).

In addition to late salaries, workers also complain about very poor working conditions and non-compliance with safety requirements. Since 2011, at least five people have died while working on the "Zenit" arena.

"The Guardian" interviewed 15 workers who worked on the "Zenit" arena. Some of them complained that salaries were delayed by a month or more.

The "Zenit" arena was planned to open in 2009, but the completion was delayed multiple times. Costs escalated, and allegations of corruption surfaced.

It is now officially stated that the "Zenit" arena will be opened in May 2016. It will host the 2017 FIFA Confederations Cup and the 2018 World Cup matches.

If in 2009 the "Zenit" arena was supposed to cost 6.7 billion rubles, the current price has increased to 38 billion.