S. Blatter does not promise to resign and ignores demands from FIFA sponsors

Seppo Blatter's team of lawyers announced in an official statement that the current FIFA president "respectfully disagrees with Coca Cola's decision and believes that resignation now would not be the most favorable decision for the organization and the progress of the reform process." The demand for Blatter's resignation has also come from not only Coca Cola, but also McDonald's and Visa companies. The FIFA leader embroiled in corruption scandals has already been accused by law enforcement in his home country. The main supporting companies had previously only expressed concern, but now they demanded Blatter's resignation before February, when the president himself promised to resign. "In the interest of the game, the immediate departure of President Seppo Blatter would be the greatest benefit," said McDonald's in a statement. "With each passing day, FIFA's image and reputation continue to be tarnished," added Coca Cola. Meanwhile, Visa added that they believe no significant reforms can be made under Blatter's leadership. However, as the words of Blatter's representatives show, external calls for him to step down do not affect him at all.