S. Blatter remains sidelined from football and continues to receive a salary from FIFA

Former FIFA president Sepp Blatter has been banned from football for eight years, but that doesn't stop him from earning money from his activities. The FIFA audit committee announced on Monday that Blatter is still receiving a salary from the world football organization.

Blatter was temporarily suspended on October 8 for 90 days, and then received an eight-year ban for ethics violations. He received such a punishment because in 2011 he paid over 2 million US dollars to FIFA UEFA president Michel Platini, which he was not allowed to do.

However, Blatter, who led FIFA since 1998, will continue to receive his salary until the new president is elected, said press representative Andreas Bantelis.

This means that money will continue to flow into Blatter's pocket for almost five months, during which he was unable to perform his duties, while the organization was led by interim president Issa Hayatou.

The FIFA audit committee announced that they could stop the payment of Blatter's bonuses, but not his salary. Apparently, those are the conditions of the agreement.

Just a reminder, the FIFA presidential elections will take place on February 26.
