S. Blatteris: "Granting Qatar the Right to Organize the World Cup Was a Mistake" © Reuters

The 2022 World Football Championship in Qatar will kick off in less than two weeks.

As the tournament approaches, more and more criticism is heard about the choice of the host country.

Due to extremely challenging weather conditions, the World Cup will take place in winter for the first time. Also, many workers died due to inhumane working conditions while building new stadiums in Qatar.

The opportunity for Qatar to host the World Cup was given back in 2010 when Sepp Blatter was the FIFA president, who admitted his mistake after 12 years.

"Granting Qatar the right to organize the World Cup was a mistake. To be honest, the executive committee had decided that Russia would host the 2018 championship and the United States the 2022 one."

"Qatar is too small a country for such a huge tournament. I can repeat that it was a misleading decision for which I must take responsibility," said Blatter in an interview with "Tages-Anzeiger."