S. Jordan: M. Raiola is a football parasite. © JumpStory

In England, businessman Simon Jordan and football agent Mino Raiola clashed on the airwaves of the "Talksport" radio station. The discussion took place with Raiola not speaking on the phone and eventually losing his nerves, deciding to end the conversation. The journalist asked M. Raiola why he urges his client Zlatan Ibrahimović to sue the company "EA Sports". "It's all about money. It's a matter of principle. Now we will finally do it and we won't explain ourselves anymore," said M. Raiola. "This is not a matter of principle. If you go to court based on such things, we will lose. Everything should be judged according to the law, I have experienced it many times," countered S. Jordan. The atmosphere changed and eventually, M. Raiola, repeating the same thoughts, ended the conversation. "If he wants to act like a child just because someone asks him a few questions, that's his business. Mino is a parasite who lives off money earned by other people. If it hurts you that your player, who is known as a milked cow, is not getting what he should, you should have sorted it out for the past eight years," concluded S. Jordan.