S. Malinauskas bomb: Ž. Buzas will soon acquire „Sūduva“ © fksuduva.lt

The Marijampolė club "Sūduva" should soon have a new owner.

The handler Skirmantas Malinauskas shared information on Thursday on his personal Facebook account that the famous Marijampolė businessman Žydrūnas Buzas is finishing the acquisition of the legendary Lithuanian club.

"The true owner of Marijampolė. I have written and shown a lot about Žydrūnas Buzas. From his criminal past, millions extracted from people, punishment behind bars, abduction, coming and leaving the Executive Committee of the Lithuanian Football Federation, to the takeover of the "Arvi" group's assets and matters in the "Marijampolės City" football club.

The latest episode on that topic was about the death of former Lithuanian national team player Karolis Chvedukas after a brutal beating. By the way, I will definitely continue the topic because, as far as I know, after the episode, the circumstances of the death were re-evaluated and the scandalous conclusion that the player died of natural causes, checked again.

Why do I mention Ž. Buzas today? My information indicates that he is the new owner of the legendary Marijampolė football club "Sūduva". This team was established in 1968, was the Lithuanian champion in 2017, 2018, 2019.

According to my sources, a preliminary contract for the sale of the team to the individual Ž. Buzas has already been signed. Its value is slightly over half a million euros. Another "known Lithuanian businessman" actively participated in the process, who recently paid me for a lost court case.

I contacted the head of the administration of "Sūduva", Andrius Murauskas, who refused to comment, but stated that he cannot confirm or deny it. It is not difficult to deny information if it does not correspond to reality, and this formulation essentially means confirmation. There are already people in the team who are informed about the changes.

Ž. Buzas had to withdraw from the Executive Committee of the LFF due to his criminal past, but this does not prevent him from buying a team for which both the LFF and the Marijampolė municipality allocate substantial annual sums. Also, the team has foreign players who have valid contracts and can be sold. This agreement would not be possible without the approval of local politicians and LFF leaders.

The saddest thing is that it was a really good team with the support of the people of Marijampolė. What will happen next, one can judge by looking at the history of "Marijampolės City", - wrote S. Malinauskas.

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