Italian national team forward Simone Zaza admitted that he will never forget the embarrassing missed penalty, and these memories will haunt him for the rest of his life.
Zaza was brought on in the dying moments of extra time in the quarterfinals to take a penalty, but the Italian failed to convert, delivering a penalty that was negatively remembered by all. However, Zaza is convinced that his unusual run-up before the penalty had no influence - according to him, he approaches every penalty this way.
"I missed the most important penalty of my career and I will never forget it. I want to apologize to the disappointed Italian national team fans. I always take my penalties like that and I was convinced I would score. I managed to send Neuer the other way, but unfortunately, the ball flew too high," - the forward said on Mediaset after the match.
The loss to the Germans ended Antonio Conte's era with the Italian national team, and the German national team will now face the host French in the semifinals.