Sarri "Locked in the Locker Room with the Players: "Only one team played in the second half"

During Wednesday's English Premier League match, London's "Chelsea" team suffered the hardest blow of the season - playing at home, the team was crushed by "Bournemouth" with a score of 4:0.

Such a result was achieved by the "Bournemouth" team in the second half, as the first half of the match was a complete draw.

Maurizio Sarri, who locked himself in the dressing room with the team for 45 minutes immediately after the match, was not inclined to lecture the players at the press conference, but added that such halves cannot happen again.

"It's hard to explain this performance, because we played really well in the first half," - said M. Sarri. - "In the second half, we conceded a goal after the first 2 minutes and from then on we stopped playing. Trying to attack, we played not as a team, but as 11 individual players. It's hard to understand why it happened, because in the first half we saw problems that needed to be solved."

"After the goal, we had 43 minutes, but with such a reaction, you can't achieve anything. I tried to understand them. I spoke to the players after the match, but they also found it difficult to explain what happened, we will try to talk about it on Thursday. I have to explain what happened, because we can't leave this problem behind.

"This team always looks capable of recovering against the strongest league teams. When we play against them, the team is able to be at a very high level of motivation, but in these matches everything was the opposite," - added the strategist.

"Chelsea" will have the opportunity to recover on Saturday - they will have a match at home against the league's bottom team "Huddersfield."