"Sky Sports" found A. Glazer, but he put on his feet.

"Sky Sports" television in Florida (USA) noticed "Man Utd" team owner Avram Glazer and gave the millionaire an opportunity to say something to the team's disgruntled fans about his actions. However, the American remained true to himself. Avram Glazer, who rarely communicates with the press, did not say a word and simply got into his car and drove away. "Man Utd" team fans have been dissatisfied with the current owners for many years, and their anger was further fueled by the team's attempt to join the Super League tournament.

#MUFC owner Avram Glazer refused to apologise to fans over the disastrous attempt to form a breakaway European Super League, when approached by Sky News. pic.twitter.com/BfY5fEHIaa - Sky Sports News (@SkySportsNews) May 4, 2021