Spain defeated the fighting Switzerland only after 11 penalty shootouts © AP

During the UEFA European Championship, the quarter-final stage began. The first match took place at the stadium in St. Petersburg between the national teams of Switzerland and Spain. In the 8th minute of the game, the Spaniards took the lead when the ball hit D. Zakaria's leg after a shot from J. Alba and went into the Swiss goal - 1:0. In the 17th minute, Koke tried his luck, but missed the goal. A few minutes later, the Swiss tried to respond with a dangerous attack, but U. Simon managed to defend against H. Seferović. Y. Sommer confidently protected the Swiss team's goal - catching the ball after a shot from C. Azpilicueta. In the 56th minute, D. Zakaria tried to make up for his mistake and narrowly missed equalizing the score after a corner kick. Soon after, U. Simon had to do more work - trying to stop S. Zuber. In the 68th minute, Switzerland triumphed - X. Shaqiri managed to score (1:1). The Swiss joy was short-lived - R. Freuler received a red card for a reckless foul. The teams did not score any more goals and had to play extra time, during which Y. Sommer showed miracles, attracting the ball shot by the Spanish players as if with a magnet. The penalty shootout ended with Spain's triumph - their opponents only managed to convert one shot, leading to L. Enrique's team reaching the quarter-finals (3:1).

Spain vs Switzerland Image