S.Riether, who fouled A.Januzaj, faced sanctions (VIDEO) © EuroFootball.com

The defender of the London club "Fulham" Sascha Riether will have to miss the next three matches.

Over the weekend at Craven Cottage stadium, Fulham had to admit defeat to Manchester United with a score of 1 - 3.

At the end of these matches, an incident was recorded when the home team's defender S. Riether deliberately stepped on the leg of young Adnan Januzaj.

This incident did not go unnoticed by the Football Association of England (FA), which suspended the German for three matches.

After the match, S. Riether apologized to the injured Belgian: "I want to apologize to A. Januzaj. It was an uncharacteristic act for me, I was overwhelmed by despair and anger."
