"Star Wars": Arena Hosts Have a Better Chance

In the portal “Eurofootball.com” - “Star Wars”. The UEFA Champions League quarterfinals have begun, and nine participants of the most popular football news portal in Lithuania will compete for the title of the best oracle until the end of the season. Four tournament participants predict that “Manchester City” will triumph over “Barcelona” at the “Etihad” stadium. Meanwhile, three participants are convinced of a victory for “Barcelona”, and Mantas Katleris, a faithful Catalan supporter, does not doubt his team so much that he even dared to guess the result as 0-10. Different opinions are also present regarding the match between Turin “Juventus” and Dortmund “Borussia”. The majority still predict that “Bianconeri” will definitely not lose at their home ground, but two participants do not underestimate the chances of the Germans. Rules: A participant is awarded 4 points for correctly predicting the result. 2 points are awarded for correctly predicting the goal difference. If a participant predicts the winner of the match correctly, they receive 1 point. Participants who do not predict the winner will not receive any points. Participants' predictions: Aurimas Budraitis: “Manchester City” 2 - 1 “Barcelona” Turin “Juventus” 1 - 0 Dortmund “Borussia” Tomas Langvinis: “Manchester City” 3 - 0 “Barcelona” Turin “Juventus” 1 - 2 Dortmund “Borussia” Lukas Spalvis: “Manchester City” 1 - 2 “Barcelona&rdquo> Turin “Juventus” 1 - 1 Dortmund “Borussia&rdquo> Gratas Sirgėdas: “Manchester City” 2 - 3 “Barcelona&rdquo> Turin “Juventus” 1 - 1 Dortmund “Borussia&rdquo> Laurynas Kasčiūnas: “Manchester City” 1 - 1 “Barcelona&rdquo> Turin “Juventus” 1 - 2 Dortmund “Borussia&rdquo/> Donatas Kazlauskas: “Manchester City” 1 - 1 “Barcelona&rdquo> Turin “Juventus” 1 - 1 Dortmund “Borussia&rdquo/> Mantas Katleris: “Manchester City” 0 - 10 “Barcelona&rdquo> Turin “Juventus” 1 - 0 Dortmund “Borussia&rdquo> Gediminas Reklaitis: “Manchester City” 2 - 0 “Barcelona&rdquo> Turin “Juventus” 2 - 1 Dortmund “Borussia&rdquo> Paulius Jakelis: “Manchester City” 3 - 1 “Barcelona&rdquo> Turin “Juventus” 2 - 2 Dortmund “Borussia&rdquo>