T. Courtois: "We played only for UEFA to get extra money" © Zuma Press

The Belgian national team lost the UEFA Nations League match for third place against the Italian national team on Sunday. Both teams essentially changed their starting lineups before the match, showing that the match for third place was not very important to them. After the meeting, Belgian goalkeeper Thibaut Courtois spoke openly, saying that such matches are important only for UEFA to gain additional income. "Let's be honest, these were matches where the most important thing was simply money. We played just so UEFA could get extra money. Look at how many changes both teams made in their lineups. If we or the Italians had played in the final, the picture would have been completely different. It just shows that we play too many matches," Courtois explained to "Sky Sports" after the match. The Belgian also strongly criticized the idea of holding more frequent European and World football championships. "The trends are quite clear. This year we already have a new club tournament. UEFA is angry at clubs for wanting to create a Super League, but they themselves only think about how to fill their pockets. They don't care at all about the players. It's a shame that the players themselves don't dare to talk about it. Now we hear about plans to hold European or World football championships every summer. When will we get a break? Never," the angry Belgian did not hide.