T. Henry inspires A. Oxlade-Chamberlain

Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain was extremely happy after moving to the Liverpool team. The footballer has already promised fans that he will give his all on the field.

The Brit also expressed his joy at being able to play in Jurgen Klopp's coached team and being able to learn from him every day.

However, Arsenal legend Thierry Henry was critical of the move.

"I have watched his game for a long time and I still don't know what he does well. In every footballer's game, you can find what they are doing wrong, but normally you always notice what they do well," said T. Henry.

The former footballer stated that he did not understand the motives A. Oxlade-Chamberlain had before leaving Arsenal. He also did not understand the Brit's words that in Liverpool he will have something he did not have in the Arsenal team.