T. Muller spoke out about his most unfavorable opponent © JumpStory

Munich's "Bayern" team veteran Thomas Muller had the opportunity to play alongside some of the most famous football players in the world during his long career, but when asked to choose the least favorite opponent, he mentioned an unexpected name. According to the German, it is Maik Franz, who has already ended his professional career for over seven years. The 190 cm tall defender was known for his provocations, rough play, and was nicknamed "Iron Mike" for breaking bones. "When I was very young, I highly respected M. Franz. During one of my first seasons, he almost chased me from the middle of the field to try to take the ball from me as he collapsed. I thought I was done. That's why I jumped up and still fell, although he backed off. It was like a deliberate fall to the ground, but I didn't do it on purpose. I was just trying to save my life," explained T. Muller.