T. Tuchel Officially Extended Contract with "Chelsea" © AFP

„Chelsea“ officially announced that after winning the Champions League, head coach Thomas Tuchel has extended his contract with the club until 2024. The German joined the club only in the middle of the 2020/21 season, but during that time he managed to integrate with the „aristocrats“ into the Champions League train, secure 4th place in the „Premier“ league, and, of course, win the Champions League trophy, defeating the „Manchester City“ team 1-0 in the final.

Tuchel commented on the contract extension: „I can't imagine a better time to extend the contract. I am grateful and very happy to be part of the „Chelsea“ family.“ „There are many things that can be achieved in the future, we look ahead with ambition and impatience,“ the coach said.

The contract extension is also welcomed by „Chelsea“ director Marina Granovskaia, who stated that the club is very satisfied with T. Tuchel's work and that the extension of the contract further ties the future to this German.