Tevez can sue "Man City" coach Mancini. © EuroFootball.com

Carlos Tevez is considering the possibility of taking coach Roberto Mancini to court.

On Tuesday, the club fined the Argentine player - withholding his salary for four weeks, amounting to about 1.15 million euros. According to the statement, such sanctions were applied for the violation of five points specified in the contract. One of them is the "commitment to participate in every match for which the player is included in the protocol."

Tevez was accused of refusing to enter the field during the Champions League match against Bayern Munich. Although he denied it, Mancini did not hide his anger and blamed the footballer.

Currently, the player is convinced that the Italian's words were defamatory, so he will consider taking legal action to defend his interests.

However, first he will wait for the club's appeals result, and then he can turn to the Premier League tribunal.

It is almost certain that in January, with the opening of the transfer window, Tevez will leave the team. One of the best English forwards of last season has been vocal for several months about not being happy in "small and rainy" Manchester.