Tevez: young footballers care only about money, not trophies © EuroFootball.com

Leader Carlos Tevez attacked young English championship footballers, claiming that they care not about victories, but only about money.

The Argentinian says he is unhappy living in such an environment, so after three or four years he would like to return to his homeland.

"I don't want to play. I'm tired not only of football, but also of people who work in it," the footballer is quoted by "Guardian". "I'm serious. In football now, the only thing that matters is money, and I don't like that.

"There are so many agents with young players who have no interest in trophies. They just want money."

Tevez, 26, has just under three and a half years left on his contract. His salary, according to unofficial data, amounts to over 170 thousand euros per week.

"Young footballers think they've already achieved something because they have two mobile phones and a house," he added. "These days in football there are a lot of bad people you have to constantly fight against. I'm tired of that. I'll play in Europe for another three or four years, and then I'll retire.

And he continued: "Modern young footballers have no education, so I don't want to listen to them. When I played for Boca Juniors, I always listened to what Martín Palermo or Juan Román Riquelme said.

"So I don't want one of those young players to tell me: why didn't you do this or that? I'd rather hit them, because I've already won 13 trophies in my career."