The court dismissed the appeal of L.Messi.

The court has decided to reject the appeal of tax evasion filed by the leader of "Barcelona" and the Argentine national team Lionel Messi. Although the 27-year-old Champions League winner tried to defend himself, he will have to answer according to all Spanish laws.

The attention of the investigating officials was drawn to the period from 2007 to 2009. It is believed that a portion of the footballer's income was transferred to companies in the United Kingdom, Switzerland, Belize, and Uruguay without paying taxes in Spain.

According to unofficial information, taxes may have been hidden even when the footballer was a minor, and it was not his initiative or intention. It is alleged that the player's father Jorge is responsible for this fraud.

In August, L. Messi transferred 5 million euros to the Spanish tax inspection agency with interest.

Last year, the footballer extended his contract with the Catalonia club. According to the media reports, after taxes are deducted, the Argentinean earns about 20 million euros annually. This amount does not include bonuses that he receives for "Barcelona" club victories.