The Dispute Between E. Abidal and L. Messi

"Barcelona" club ignited unseen passions. Eric Abidal, holding the position of sports director, criticized the players, and in response, received a reply from Lionel Messi.

In one of his interviews, the Frenchman stated that certain players were to blame for the dismissal of Ernesto Valverde, as they were dissatisfied with the situation and not very dedicated to their work.

Understanding the situation, E. Abidal recommended to the club to dismiss E. Valverde from the position of head coach.

Seeing such comments from E. Abidal, L. Messi slammed on his "Instagram" profile: "I don't like talking about these things, but everyone has to take responsibility for their work and decisions.

Players are responsible for what happens on the field and are the first to understand when they are playing poorly. Those responsible for the club's sports activities in management also need to take responsibility and be accountable for their decisions.

Finally, when it comes to certain players, I would like their surnames to be accurately named, otherwise there is speculation and sharing of information that is not correct.".