"The Dutch football community proposes boycotting the World Cup taking place in Russia"

The Dutch football community has decided not to remain silent - after a terrorist act, in which a Malaysia Airlines plane flying from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur was allegedly shot down in Ukraine by Russian-backed bandits, the Dutch are calling on the whole world to boycott the World Cup scheduled to take place in Russia in four years, writes 15min.lt.

Former assistant coach of the Dutch national team John van 't Schip, who now coaches the Melbourne Heart team in Australia, publicly stated that the World Cup organized in Russia under President Vladimir Putin in 2018 should be boycotted.

"I am supported by more than one Dutch player and coach. I invite the Dutch Football Federation, the Dutch authorities, and FIFA to boycott the World Cup football championships taking place in Russia. After everything, they cannot take place there," said John van 't Schip, who has also coached the Amsterdam Ajax team.

In the social network Twitter, the football specialist was supported by many football players, coaches, and fans around the world - the Dutch especially supported the coach's proposed initiative. Signatures are already being collected to appeal to FIFA to consider this initiative.
