The group of "Liverpool" fans brutally beat a "Napoli" supporter

"Napoli" team fan Mattia will long remember the trip to the Champions League match in Liverpool.

The 24-year-old Italian fan favorite team suffered a defeat against Jurgen Klopp's players and had to withdraw from the tournament. To make matters worse, the football fan ended up in the hands of "Liverpool" fans and was brutally beaten.

"I thought I would die", Mattia told the newspaper "Corriere del Mezzogiorno".

His four-day trip to England was a gift from his parents, who later regretted such a decision.

After the match, their son had to endure the blows of seven drunken "Liverpool" fans near the stadium, and attempts to shout and stop passing vehicles did not bear fruit.

Finally, help was called for him, and in the hospital it was revealed that the fan had a broken cheekbone, and one eye suffered such injuries that surgery will be needed.

"It's absurd to risk your life for a football match," Mattia's father told the newspaper.