The Kaunas City Council Approved the Reconstruction Project of the Darius and Girenas Stadium ©

On December 28, the Kaunas City Council approved the implementation of the investment project "S.Darius and S.Girenas Sports Center" stadium reconstruction.

The investment project prepared by UAB "National Project Preparation" includes the installation of a 520-seat VIP stand, stadium turf heating system, emergency lighting, and autonomous electrical system. The stadium is also planned to be adapted for disabled persons, have a stand for visiting team fans, reconstruct sanitary facilities, renovate stadium lighting towers, replace the roof covering of the grandstand facilities, and install water drainage systems for the stands.

According to the prepared investment project, the total value of the sports center stadium reconstruction project is 13.5 million litas. The preliminary start of the project is planned for January 2013, with completion in December 2014.

The investment project includes two sources of financing - 12 million litas are planned to be obtained from the State Investment Program, with the remaining 1.5 million litas to be allocated from the Kaunas City municipality budget.

"The reconstructed stadium is much needed. However, some did not do their homework, so we still do not have a technical project. Without it, we cannot expect to receive funding immediately. Once the technical project is prepared, we can request that the financing for stadium reconstruction be included in the State Investment Program by the Government," comments the deputy mayor Stanislovas Buskevicius.

It is estimated that around 1.2 million litas will be needed to prepare the technical stadium reconstruction project. The municipality has applied to the Department of Physical Culture and Sports for these funds.

The S.Darius and S.Girenas stadium is the largest in the country, with 9,180 seated places for spectators. The stadium hosts football, athletics, and other sports competitions. Upon the stadium's reconstruction, the UEFA Stadium Licensing Commission would grant a 4th category level, allowing for the organization of top international football matches.