The Legend of Brazil Romario: "I pray every day for Sepp Blatter to end up behind bars"

After resigning due to the FIFA corruption scandal, Sepp Blatter has not yet faced direct charges from law enforcement, but legendary Brazilian footballer Romario believes that the official's place is in prison.

The 1994 World Cup champion Romario has now started a political career in his native Brazil and stated that he distances himself from any corruption.

Speaking to the Italian newspaper "La Gazzetta dello Sport," the former footballer claimed that Sepp Blatter should be arrested: "FIFA is corrupt and its heart is a cartel. Some of them have been arrested, some will come. I hope and pray that Sepp Blatter will be one of them."

It is believed that UEFA President Michel Platini could triumph in the FIFA presidential elections, but Romario believes that he would not be a suitable choice.

"I can't say that M. Platini is corrupt, but his leadership of UEFA is not better. He comes from the same school as S. Blatter," Romario said.