The Vilnius football club, heading to a training camp in Cyprus, is not in a hurry to form the team, nor rush to sign contracts with the foreign players participating in the trial. The Vilnius team has rejected several attacking foreign players, but has regained a defender from Belarus who previously trained with the team. According to EuroFootball.com, "Žalgiris" President and Coach Arminas Narbekovas confirmed that Polish players Piotr Bania and Pawel Drumlak, Slovak Jan Kožiak, and Bulgarian Stefan Todorov will not be part of the team. No agreement could be reached with the Polish players, and according to A. Narbekovas, neither Bania nor Drumlak showed anything exceptional, just like the other two foreign players. "Stefan Todorov scored two goals in friendly matches against Gargždai's 'Banga,' but the opponent was very weak. He didn't stand out during training compared to others. Our locals, such as Valerijus Mižigurskis, look no worse. Meanwhile, Slovak Jan Kožiak refused to come for the trial and wanted to sign a contract with us immediately. But we didn't want to 'buy a pig in a poke,' as you can be disappointed afterwards," said the Vilnius club leader. A. Narbekovas also revealed that Belarusian defender Aleksej Dubyna, who participated in the trial in January, is returning to "Žalgiris" and will also go to the training camp in Cyprus. After playing four friendly matches in Vilnius and Minsk (1-3 against "Kaunas," 1-1 against "Shakhtar," 1-0 against "Neman," and 6-0 against "Banga"), the Žalgiris team leaves for a training camp in Cyprus on Thursday, where they will spend 10 days. In Cyprus, the Vilnius team will play three friendly matches. They will face the Swiss team "Tuggen," local team "Salamina," and Saransk-based "Mordovia" from Russia. The training camp in Cyprus will end on March 4th, and on March 7th, they will have Baltic Football League matches in Tallinn against the local team "Levadia." "After returning from Cyprus, we will try out another foreign forward, and if they match our level, we will sign a contract," said A. Narbekovas.