Fans of football in Vilnius will once again have a single "Žalgiris" in the near future, whose historical continuity will be transferred to the Vilnius City Football Society "Žalgiris", announces the official team website.
The Vilnius City Football Society "Žalgiris" and the bankrupt Vilnius Football Club "Žalgiris" have reached a peace agreement.
The parties that have crossed the thresholds of courts have agreed that the bankrupt Vilnius Football Club "Žalgiris" will not only not make claims regarding the trademarks used by the VMFD "Žalgiris", but also transfer all rights to the old Vilnius Football Club "Žalgiris" trademark and historical continuity.
"We are pleased and congratulate on behalf of all residents of Vilnius that both sides managed to reach a friendly and peaceful agreement. Vilnius will once again have a 'Žalgiris' that will unite us, the residents of Vilnius," said the mayor of the capital and the Honorary President of the Vilnius City Football Society "Žalgiris" Artūras Zuokas. - And another piece of good news: in the near future, the trophies won by the legendary 'Žalgiris' will be transferred to the municipality. We will definitely come up with a way to create a museum where the most loyal South IV stand fans, former Žalgiris players, and all residents and visitors of the capital can enjoy."
As the bankrupt Vilnius Football Club "Žalgiris" is finishing settling with creditors, they have agreed to transfer the museum of trophies won by the legendary "Žalgiris" to the Vilnius City Municipality, where the trophies will be available for viewing soon in the premises of the Vilnius City Municipality.
Lawyers representing the Vilnius City Football Society "Žalgiris" and the Vilnius Football Club "Žalgiris" negotiating the details of the legal peace agreement state that both parties will officially confirm the agreement with their signatures in the near future.