This summer spent more than just "Premier League" clubs in "Serie A"

On Friday night in Italy officially ended the 2018 summer transfer window. This summer was very successful for Italian clubs - perhaps the most famous football name arrived in "Serie A": Cristiano Ronaldo. The Portuguese became the record-breaking purchase of this summer - 100 million euros were spent on him. It turned out that during the whole transfer window "Serie A" clubs spent 1.14 billion euros. This is a record in the league. Last year, during the same period, Italian clubs spent 907 million euros on new players. The expenses of "Serie A" clubs have been rising over the years - in 2014 they spent "only" 335 million euros, in 2015 - 608.8 million, and in 2016 - 707.35 million euros. This summer, the most money was spent by the Italian champions - Juventus did not spare 250 million euros for new purchases in total. "Premier" league surpassed "Serie A" in terms of expenses in this transfer window, as they spent 1.42 billion euros this summer.