Tragedy in Indonesia: 174 fans died after the football match © Reuters

In Indonesia, one of the biggest football tragedies in history took place on Saturday evening.

After the match between the teams 'Arema FC' and 'Persebaya Surabaya', about 3 thousand fans rushed into the stadium field, causing a large crush, the police intervened strongly and ultimately 174 football fans died.

Another 11 fans are seriously injured. 

As reported, after the match the police used tear gas, batons, shields, and the military also arrived to help. Fans started attacking police officers and there was a great chaos in the stadium. 

Immediately after the match, a large part of the football fans tried to leave the stadium and avoid this conflict, but not everyone escaped alive. FIFA President Gianni Infantino said: "It was a dark day for everyone involved in football."

Furthermore, the stadium where the match took place can accommodate 39 thousand people, but 42 thousand tickets were sold for the match.

The 'Arema FC' and 'Persebaya Surabaya' clubs have been long-standing rivals.