Triumphant English: "This is a new generation that can take advantage of a golden opportunity"

"And how can you not rejoice when it is finally remembered how it is possible to win a series of eleven-meter penalties," - after England's triumph against Colombia, the country's media rejoiced. And this is absolutely true because until now, the English had to take penalties at the World Cup in 1990, 1998, and 2006, but success was never caught. So finally, the curse was overcome. "Did you expect that the fairly young and inexperienced England team could not break under the blow they received even in extra time minutes? Did you think they could do something similar?" - Speaking about the nerve-wracking success, the news portal "Independent" asked. The English media was delighted that coach Gareth Southgate's repeated words that his new generation had finally freed itself from past scars were finally confirmed. "It was a very happy but nerve-wracking game. England fans could quickly forget that something special was being built. Something rare, extraordinary," - the "The Guardian" spoke about the barely missed ticket to the quarter-finals. "Forget what was before. There is a new generation with a golden opportunity at this World Cup," - proudly proclaimed the "Sky Sports" portal. - The series of eleven-meter penalties and successful finish against Colombia have broken the chains of the past. The path towards gold is now more open, one can think about what before the championship was just a big dream." The English did not hesitate to emphasize that this type of victory should only boost psychologically. "No former world champions. By winning the quarter-finals against Swedes, all that remains is to beat Russia or Croatia in the semi-finals. Finally, the English have blown away the dark clouds of the past. This uplifts psychologically and should help in the future. We were living on the edge of disaster, but the way we saved ourselves and passed the test adds an additional layer to satisfaction," - rejoiced the BBC news portal. However, even in triumph, the importance of not rushing forward was not forgotten. Now awaits the Swedish barrier, which, according to experts, will certainly not be easy."