"EuroFootball.com" presents the schedule of live TV broadcasts for May 7-8. The portal is not responsible for program changes.
Saturday / Sport1 / 14.10 Scottish "Premier" League. Glasgow "Rangers" - Edinburgh "Hearts".
Saturday / Viasat Sport Baltic / 19.25 English "Premier" League. London "Tottenham" - "Blackpool".
Saturday / Sport1 / 20.55 Spanish "Liga BBVA". Madrid "Atletico" - "Malaga".
Saturday / Sport1 / 22.55 Spanish "Liga BBVA". "Sevilla" - Madrid "Real".
Sunday / Sport1 / 12.55 Spanish "Liga BBVA". "Mallorca" - "Villarreal".
Sunday / "Lietuvos ryto" TV / 18.10 Lithuanian "A Lyga". Marijampole "Suduva" - Taurage "Tauras".
Sunday / Sport1 / 19.55 Spanish "Liga BBVA". "Barcelona" - Barcelona "Espanyol".
"EuroFootball.com" also recommends:
Saturday / Sport1 / 13.30 Scottish "Premier" League XXXV round review.
Saturday / Sport1 / 16.15 Football gods: Maradona.
Sunday / Sport1 / 12.00 Spanish "Liga BBVA" championship XXXIV round review.
Sunday / Viasat Sport Baltic / 19.40 English "Premier" League. "Manchester United" - London "Chelsea".