Two different sides of Emmanuel Adebayor's life (article)

Although he is only 31 years old, the rumors never stop that he will no longer play as before. Maybe he will not play at all. Clubs are afraid of this player because of the labels attached to him: "He only cares about money", "Unmotivated and unwilling to win". This is a footballer who is always ready to accept a better offer, but even for a huge sum, he does not promise to give all of himself or be loyal. This is how millions of football fans are stuck with Emmanuel Adebayor - a striker from Togo, whose life is not as simple as it may seem from the outside.

This summer, the player still had a one-year contract with Tottenham Hotspur, but the club management made it clear to him - he no longer has the opportunity to represent the main team. When the club's chairman Daniel Levy asked the player if he had any teams he would like to represent, the forward replied with a smile on his face: "Yes. "Real" and "Chelsea".

When the team sent him to train with the under-21s and offered a million-pound compensation to terminate the contract, the player made it clear - he will train with the youth and will not give up his hundred thousand pound weekly salary. And he would easily go to every U-21 training session, sometimes showing up with new expensive cars.

Not even two weeks after the closing of the transfer window, the club decided to pay all 5 million pounds and terminate the existing contract with Adebayor, explaining that this is the only way out of the current situation. What happened to this player, who at just 23 scored 30 goals per season and was considered one of the best strikers in the world?

Most people have probably heard about the player's club changes and behavior in the football world, but Adebayor has another side to his life.

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Tautvydas Sakalauskas