UEFA confirms that the European Championship will remain in France


EFA has confirmed that despite the terrorist attacks in Paris last Friday, the 2016 European Championship will be held in France.

After the “Stade de France“ stadium was one of the targets of the terrorists, there were questions raised about whether the upcoming tournament should take place in France. However, UEFA released a statement stating that there are no plans to relocate the championship to another country.

“After the dramatic events on Friday in Paris, UEFA and the European Championship security department will once again review all tournament organization issues and security will be the top priority.

Although there is no reason to believe that the European Championship could become potential targets of an attack, the possible threat of a terrorist act has always been taken into account.

The European Championship security department has been working with relevant institutions for over three years to find the most suitable solutions to ensure safety at these tournaments. We are confident that all necessary measures will be taken to ensure everyone feels safe.

The draw for the European Championship will take place on December 12 in Paris, and the final stage of the tournament will take place in France from June 10 to July 10, as planned, - emphasized UEFA in their statement.