Today, suspicions have arisen in the media that UEFA, while investigating scandalous statements made by London coach Jose Mourinho, completely disregarded the testimonies of the main figure in the incident, referee Anders Frisk, and quickly received an official rebuke from UEFA.
UEFA stated that such statements have no basis and insisted that the testimonies of the Swedish referee, along with those of the stadium director, were included in the case sent to Chelsea on February 25. All parties involved in the incident had full access to the case before the decision was made on March 31.
In other words, Chelsea and Jose Mourinho were made aware of A. Frisk's testimonies about his conversation with Barcelona coach Frank Rijkaard. The Control and Disciplinary Body of UEFA, in announcing its decision on March 31, had taken into account A. Frisk's testimonies, as stated on the official UEFA website.
Both Chelsea and J. Mourinho did not appeal the decision made on March 31, so UEFA did not further comment on the events.