UEFA twists: no longer attacking the Super League, but wants to change the referee

Yesterday UEFA enforced a court decision in Spain demanding to stop legal proceedings against the remaining Super League clubs. The organization's president Aleksandras Čeferinas had threatened serious consequences for the Turin "Juventus", Madrid "Real" and "Barcelona" teams if they did not withdraw from the controversial project. However, UEFA faced an unfavorable court decision in Spain and had to decide how to proceed. It was decided for now to suspend legal proceedings against the stubborn trio. "Sky Sports" reported that the European football organization still does not intend to calm down and has submitted documents to the higher Madrid Court of Appeal, also requesting the removal of judge Manuel Luiz de Lara from the case. "We see many violations in this case, so we ask for a change of judge. Following Spanish laws and in the interest of justice, UEFA hopes that this proposal will be properly considered," stated in the press release.