„Liverpool“ star Mohamed Salah had a great start to the season. He scored a goal in the first „Premier League“ match and the „Reds“ beat „West Ham“ 4-0.
However, after the match, the Egyptian player forgot about the rules of road safety. He was using his phone while driving and his fans captured this image, hoping to get the player's attention. However, he was focused only on his phone and drove off once the light turned green.
The video that went viral on „Twitter“ also reached the authorities, who will address this incident.
„Liverpool“ team is aware of the situation and stated that they have contacted Liverpool police and provided the player's version and other details about the incident.
However, it seems unlikely that the team itself would punish the Egyptian player in any way.
In the UK, using a phone or similar device while driving results in a penalty of three points and a £60 fine. If the case goes to court, the driver's license may be revoked and a maximum fine of £1000 imposed.