V. Čeburinas: "So far we have only filled the goalkeepers' position © E. Žaldario

After the start of the season, "Žalgiris" coach Vladimiras Čeburinas said that so far only goalkeepers and defensive positions are clearer in the team, while players are still needed elsewhere. Club director Vilma Venslovaitienė noted that the first goal is to keep the players who represented the team last year.

The team's coach and director answered journalists' questions before the first team training session.

"Although this is not my first season here, it's always interesting to see how the players will look, new players. We are thinking about our plans on how to create a team that would achieve serious goals. Last season was good, but we have our goals, dreams. Based on that, we are preparing the training process, selecting players. We will not only try, but we will do things that will help achieve dreams, reach victories. The most important thing in football is victories," the coach said.

Asked about positions where players are needed, the coach responded: "We have filled the goalkeeper position, and possibly the defensive area. We are looking for players in other positions. We are in the negotiation stage. What will happen with the attackers? As many will leave, that many will arrive."

When asked about the planned tactical formation, V. Čeburinas said that it will also depend on the players who arrive: "Last season we had a basic tactical scheme. Depending on the matches, we changed tactical actions. We tried various schemes. The tactical picture changed, and I am thankful to the players for executing it. The future tactical picture will depend on the available players and what they show on the field. We are looking for various, versatile players who will strengthen both the game and team actions."

V. Venslovaitienė said that this season the team's composition is proceeding more smoothly and there is a greater selection: "After last year's even greater incentives, greater desires, because confidence, experience is gained, as I have been working on player selection for the fourth season. We have pleasant concerns, as the coach chooses, does not hesitate, has great choices. The greatest thing - he has the freedom to design the game according to his idea. These concerns are the most pleasant for both the coach and me. I can give them the players they are considering."

She said that they aim to finish the first phase of the composition as soon as possible in the coming weeks, and add minimally in the remaining time before the start of the season. "We see support, what we want, the most important thing is to keep the former players here, because then the backbone is formed and the tactical picture is visible. The coach still has a pleasant dilemma in choosing from the list of newcomers, as it is not yet clear who will stay," the director said.