Spanish champion and star of the Spanish national team Vicente confirmed to the media that he has received offers from many of Europe's football giants, but once again reassured that he will stay at Valencia, despite feeling underappreciated at his current club. After a brilliant season and an impressive performance in the first European Championship matches, Vicente became one of the most sought-after players in Europe. The player himself stated last week that he feels underappreciated at his current club. Meanwhile, Valencia is trying to keep their star and recently offered him a four-year contract extension, but it was this offer that caused the player's dissatisfaction. Vicente's contract with the UEFA Cup winner will only expire in 2007, but the salary offered for the extension is much lower than the highest-earning players at the club. It was this reason that made Vicente feel undervalued by the club's management. Upon learning of Vicente's dissatisfaction, Juventus and Manchester United made offers to the player. Vicente admitted that his agent received offers, but added that he has no intention of going anywhere because he loves his current club. "The only thing I want now is for Valencia to start appreciating me," Vicente told the Spanish sports newspaper Marca. "I don't think they are doing that, and that is the whole problem. I want and intend to represent Valencia until 2007." "I always dreamed of playing for Valencia and I intend to stay here - that's already decided," firmly refuted the Spanish national team member the rumors.